Friday, May 1, 2015

Purpose of This Blog

I've felt the past few months that a blog would be very beneficial for me to be able to share my feelings with the world. I've had the opportunity to learn many important lessons in my life (the past year especially - and continuing) that I would like to share and hope to bless someone's life, maybe yours.

I had a few blogs when I was younger but didn't maintain them very well. I'm to the point now where I am more dedicated and excited to write then I have ever before felt.

My blog will focus on lessons I have learned about inward improvement being spiritual/psychological, outward improvement being health/body (some of my favorite healthy recipes), how I believe we can improve and help one another in society, my religious beliefs and how they have benefited my life... and over-all experiences I have been through I think can help someone who reads this blog. :)

I'm not a 'perfect' person (Noah Webster Dictionary 1828 definition of perfect: complete, finished) but I am on a journey of trying to become the best person I can! I'm excited to share my feelings. I feel like I can express myself better on paper than in person and I love writing.

This blog is not exclusive to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), but I will share my beliefs based on the Gospel - because that is who I am.

Thank you for being a part of who I am in my life and I hope that some of the lessons I have learned in my life can maybe help you from making the same mistakes I have, or help you think how to improve yourself and become who you were created to become - that is like our God in Heaven.

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